Lapidary Slabs

We cut lapidary slabs from rough & buy from old timer rock collections. Our focus is high quality stones with unique scenes, eye catching colors, & interesting patterns. Enjoy Shopping!

Malachite Lapidary Slab

This striking Malachite Lapidary Slab is from the Congo. It’s roughly polished on one side and features an array of geometric patterns and colors. A terrific display or cabbing specimen. Measurements are 3/16×3.5×3.25 inches. Photographed dry

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Malachite Lapidary Slab

This large ornate Malachite Lapidary Slab is from the Congo. It’s roughly polished on one side and features an array of geometric bullseye patterns. A terrific display or cabbing specimen. Measurements are 3/16×3.5×5 inches. Potographed dry.

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Medicine Bow Black Plume Agate Lapidary Slab

This is a quality Medicine Bow Black Plume Agate from Wyoming. It solid and features multiple black plume floral displays creating several good cabbing areas. Measurements are 4x6x3/16 inches. Photographed wet.

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Mexican Lace Jasper Lapidary Slab

This beautiful Mexican Lace Jasper Lapidary Slab features soft pastel colors and intricate lacing. Measurements are 4.5×5.5×1/4 inches. Photographed wet.

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Montana Agate Lapidary Slab

This is a colorful Montana Agate Lapidary Slab featuring burnt orange, white, and black inclusions embedded in clear chalcedony. A solid piece for cabs. Measurements are 1.3×3.3×3/16 inches. Photographed wet

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Montana Agate Lapidary Slab

This is a striking Montana Agate Lapidary Slab featuring burnt orange fortifications embedded in clear chalcedony all surrounded by a black matrix. A solid piece for a specimen or cabs. Polished on both sides. Measurements are 1.5x4x1/8 inches. Photographed dry.

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Montana Agate Lapidary Slab

This is a Montana Agate Lapidary Slab that’s perfect for a single elegant cab. It features black inclusions embedded in clear chalcedony. Measurements are 1.5×2.5×1/8 inches. Photographed wet.

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Morrisonite Lapidary Slab

This is a porcelain like Morrisonite Lapidary Slab from Oregon featuring a beautiful array of brecciated jasper colors. An excellent high polish cabbing piece. Measurements are 5/16×2.75×2.5 inches. Photographed wet.

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Morrisonite Lapidary Slab

This porcelain like Morrisonite Lapidary Slab from Oregon features a spider web design in a light brown matrix. Nice cabbing piece. Measurements are 3/16x2x3 inches. Photographed wet.

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Morrisonite Lapidary Slab

This porcelain like Morrisonite Lapidary Slab from Oregon features a spider web design in a light brown matrix. Nice cabbing piece. Measurements are 3/16x2x2.5 inches. Photographed wet.

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Morrisonite Lapidary Slab

This porcelain like Morrisonite Lapidary Slab from Oregon features an abstract array oif broun features and should be an excellent cabbing piece. Measurements are 3/16x2x2.5 inches. Photographed wet.

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Obicular Jasper Lapidary Slab

This Obicular Jasper Lapidary Slab is from the agate beds in San Carlos, Mexico and features an array of colorful obicular features embedded in a red matrix. Measurements are 3×3.5×3/16 inches. Photographed wet.

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